Production of food has become so isolated and factory like that people have destroyed ecosystems and basic relationships between environmental elements which has led to a dependence on fertilizers and creating artificial environments to get production flowing. Permaculture is a new form of food production that depends on a more permanent and efficient system of relationships that flourish in the environment.
Source: govuk.com
Permaculture principles
Permaculture is a new form of food production that depends on a more permanent and efficient system of relationships that flourish in the environment. There are two notions in a good permaculture system. The first deals with adapting the climatic and culture conditions and the second one deals with techniques that are to be adopted for those particular climates and cultures. Its more environmental responsive as well as environmental dependent.
Earth Care
Earth Care can be taken to mean caring for the living soil. The state of the soil is often the best measure for the health and well-being of society. There are many different techniques for looking after soil, but the easiest method to tell if soil is healthy is to see how much life exists there.
People Care
How can we develop a permaculture if our people are expendable, uncared for, excluded? People Care asks that our basic needs for food, shelter, education, employment and healthy social relationships are met.
Fair Share
Permaculture seeks to create and distribute life-giving resources fairly amongst people, animals and plants alike, not forgetting future generations who depend upon our conscious stewardship of the natural systems of the earth, which provide food, water and shelter.